How Long Does It Usually Take to Resolve a Car Accident Case in Illinois?

Some car accident claims in Illinois may be settled within two or three months after the victim stops medical treatment while others could take years. No two accident cases are entirely similar. One case might have some of the same factors as another, but accident claims are as different as the people involved. Because of the various factors and circumstances involved in car accident cases, predicting how long it takes to settle a claim is an imprecise art. Nevertheless, seasoned, knowledgeable, and highly skilled Illinois auto accident lawyer can examine your claim thoroughly, understand the issues, and then decide a strategy that will maximize your recovery while obtaining your settlement as fast as possible. Sometimes, the wisest approach is to bring the case to court. Litigating the case might take longer, but in the particular circumstances of your case, maybe the best legal strategy for you and your family.

The most severe auto accidents typically take the longest time to resolve. Serious car crashes could involve questions of liability, the severity, and permanency of the victim’s injuries, which auto insurers are involved in the claim, and obtaining the appropriate expert medical testimony needed to explain the degree of injury. Minor car accidents may also include similar questions, but usually less serious crashes involve less severe injuries than a major accident. However, insurance companies face much more significant financial liability in crashes that inflicted catastrophic injuries or killed someone. As a result, insurance companies defending those cases will try to drag the case out for as long as possible before engaging in serious settlement negotiations.

You might be tempted to take the first offer an insurance company makes to avoid protracted litigation. Taking the initial offer might sound like the best option for you at that moment. However, experience is a great teacher, and experience shows that insurance companies will most likely offer a more substantial settlement when the accident victim demonstrates the capacity to be in the case for the long haul if necessary.


Stein & Shulman, LLC has over 45 years of combined experienced in Illinois Personal Injury Law. You can receive a free and instant case review by calling our office at 312.422.0500.

Stein & Shulman, LLC
134 N LaSalle St, #820
Chicago, IL 60602
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