LEMONT, IL- The Chicago Sun-Times reports that a person was killed in an industrial accident that took place at a concrete plant in Lemont. The incident took place at about 1:44 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 2018.
The victim was identified as Michael James McClaren, 30 of Naperville. The medical examiner said that McClaren was declared dead at 2:15 p.m. The victim died from injuries sustained in an accident.
The president of McClaren’s employer, Marty Ozinga, said that he and his family extend their condolences to the victim’s family and that they are working on the investigation.
The incident is being investigated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA reported that the incident involved a hopper, which supplies materials to a conveyor, collapsed and hit McClaren.
OSHA is tasked with investigating worksite accidents, injuries, and deaths. Since the administration was founded, the number of American workers killed at work has declined dramatically from an average of about 38 work-related fatalities every day to around 14. However, there are certain professions that are still comparably dangerous to workers.
In 2016, more than 99 people died in workplace accidents across the country. The total number of reported fatalities for that year was 5,190. Out of the total, 4,693 of the workers had jobs in private industry. More than one out of five people killed was working in the construction industry where some common workplace accidents cause a large percentage of injuries and deaths. Being struck by a falling object is one of the four deadliest accidents on construction sites. In 2016, 93 people died in this kind of incident. In some cases, these tragedies take place because the site was violating OSHA-mandated safety regulations.
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Chicago, IL 60602